Do Something Great
How often do so many of us put on a “mask” and behave in a way that we think is expected by other people?
A high proportion of my clients that I train and coach in leadership and personal or professional development put on this metaphorical mask and feel they are trying to be something that they aren’t, and actually find themselves living other people’s values, ideals and perception of how to behave. This way of behaving leads to an unauthentic way of living and the perceived pressure can create anxiety and a general feeling of imposter syndrome which impacts on their general success in life.
If you are not feeling at ease with yourself internally, then a negative thought feeling or behaviour will be evident in some shape or form. Whether it impacts others or we self-sabotage, neither are great situations.
The key solution is to learn how to allow yourself to be your authentic true self as authenticity is intricately linked to happiness.
Being authentic is feeling comfortable in our own skin with a confidence that comes from within and knowing that we are enough whatever our particular feelings, needs, or skills are, regardless of external pressures. It will…
improve your confidence
make you feel more happy and at ease with yourself
positively show up in all areas of your life
Authenticity is one of the most important factors in creating healthy connections. It can equally be something that people fear to live day to day in fear of people knowing who we truly are and being accepted for our beautiful realness, flaws and all!
Are you holding yourself back?
Test Yourself…
Think of a recent event with a spouse, friend, relative, or colleague where you wanted to be authentic but weren’t. Imagine you are mid-flow in your conversation and you press an imaginary pause and asking yourself the following questions:
What am I worried will happen if I shared my thoughts right now with this person?
How will I feel if I refrain from sharing what I’m thinking and feeling?
If I felt confident to speak and act freely, what would I say to this person right now?
“When we fear to act as we truly are, we put parts of ourselves on hold.”
It was quite liberating to uncover what my core values and beliefs were. It really allowed me to start figuring out who I was at the core and start living my true authentic self.
If you think that you are being who other people want you to be rather than who you want to be, make a decision to do something great and find out exactly who you are and what is important to you.
There is a risk involved when we put ourselves out there personally and professionally. Yet, if we don’t respect our true feelings and needs, they will seep out when we sometimes least expect it.
How to be true to yourself
Align what you feel and need with what you say and do
Make decisions that compliment your values
Do something every day that reflects your innermost needs and values
Speak up for yourself and ask for what you want
Love your flaws and be you
Unlock your potential by learning and self-developing
You can nurture your authenticity by setting yourself goals and develop. Try on different hats and see how they fit. Start exploring how to lead your life with more authenticity and well-being.
If you are feeling that you’re not living your authentic potential, let’s discuss how I can help.
Do something great - give yourself permission to be yourself and start living a much happier and authentic life.