Hypnotherapy for Anxiety, Phobias and General Wellbeing…
Our well-being is tested!
Never has our well-being been more tested than recently. COVID-19 has definitely contributed to people becoming more anxious, stressed and somewhat fearful of what the future might look like.
Jen Stanton, clinical hypnotherapist and life coach said, “we must take ownership and responsibility for our mental health and well-being, because if we don’t - who will?”
If you have something holding you back from living your life to the full and wish to live a more fuller and happier life then get in touch. I would love to talk with you and help you start living your potential.
How I Can Help
I provide hypnotherapy and coaching for the following conditions. If you are unsure how I can help, just pick up the phone or email and let's discuss what is possible.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a natural state of mind which can be induced by relaxation and focus.
It’s a powerful tool in resolving issues as it accesses your subconscious thought patterns and behaviours. Hypnotherapy combines modern and practical techniques to help you make a positive and significant change that you want in your life.
Tapping into hypnotherapy to achieve your health and wellness goals is like a gym workout for the mind. It allows you to work that grey matter and kick out unhelpful and unhealthy old habits and attitudes, and build up stronger, healthier ones in their place. Relatively quickly you may feel, see and possibly hear the difference in your everyday activities.
Hypnotherapy is based on the theory that both the brain and the mind are divided into two separate parts. The left side of the brain, correlates with the conscious mind, and is responsible for logical thinking, analysis and action. The right side of the brain, correlates with the subconscious mind where our emotions, imagination, values and habits live, where healing occurs and where permanent changes take place.
How does hypnotherapy work?
Without getting too technical, here’s an example of how we learn…
When we are introduced to something new our conscious minds will “do” its left brain “thing” and analyse it. Once the new thing has been accepted, this new information gets filtered into the subconscious mind where it takes root.
This new learnt “thing” then influences our thoughts and actions which is controlled by our conscious minds (the analytical left side).
Our subconscious mind has so much stored information. It influences everything we think and do, some of which is helpful and unhelpful.
I will assist you to create a natural relaxed state of where you are in a more focused state, quietening the mind in order to absorb positive suggestions and bring about the change you want for yourself.
Hypnotherapy sessions
Firstly and most importantly all appointments are completely confidential and conducted in a comfortable, safe and non-judgmental environment.
The Initial Consultation lasts up to 90 minutes.
We will explore your situation together and the information gathered will start enabling me to create your tailored treatment plan.
We will briefly talk about how the brain works in relation to your situation and the hypnotherapy process and agree your treatment plan.
I will then lead you into a deeply relaxed state. You can choose how you want to relax whilst I start working with your subconscious. You can sit in a chair or lie down if you prefer.
You will be provided with a complimentary relaxation recording for you to use in-between sessions to aid your treatment.
All subsequent sessions will last up to an hour and start with reviewing how things have been since last time as many of the benefits develop and grow between the sessions. I am then able to tailor our approach and apply appropriate techniques to support your progress, this will then be followed by your hypnotic session.
Hypnotherapy Fees
£80 - Per Session
Full payment required before session commences
Each session upto 60 minutes
£450 - Block of 6 Sessions
Payment required in full prior to first session commencing
£700 - Block of 10 Sessions
Payment required in full prior to first session commencing
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“Being fascinated by what makes each of us tick is what motivated me to become a clinical hypnotherapist.”
— Jen Stanton Dip.Hyp, Clinical Hypnotherapy Practitioner
About Jen
At school, which was a few years ago now, I played every team sport going! Being part of a team and getting the best out of people is something that has never left me. Along my learning and development career I have been exposed to many personality profiling instruments, learning techniques and self-development tools, so my tool box is pretty well stocked.
Seeing the impact first hand
Many years ago I saw first-hand the impact and confidence that hypnotherapy had on a dear loved one. She had a debilitating stutter and needed to make a public speech. When other different treatments had been explored and exhausted we thought it was worth giving hypnotherapy a go.
Not only did hypnotherapy work it worked after only a handful of sessions and she then went on to make a public speech on the topic of her stutter. To say that this left the biggest imprint in my mind of how powerful hypnotherapy can be is an understatement.
The imprint of a miracle
Since that “miraculous” moment I became an advocate for this type of treatment and would encourage others with struggles to explore hypnotherapy and where I continued to witness more life changing miracles. It’s because of this and being generally fascinated by what makes each of us tick is what motivated me to become a clinical hypnotherapy practitioner.
What People Are Saying
“Jen really helped me to understand what’s behind my eating habits and I became conscious of what I was consuming which led to weight loss. Her Supportive and non-judgmental style has led to me sustaining the results. I couldn’t rate her highly enough.”
— Client treated with a hypnotic gastric band to lose weight
“Thanks to the sessions I had with Jen I feel much more relaxed and focused in many different aspects of my life. She has taught me how to manage my anxious feelings so that now I feel I can tackle anything life throws at me. She has helped me completely change the way I think and given me a huge amount of confidence. I would have never believed that this type of therapy could be so life changing and I’m glad I chose Jen to do it with. Thank you so much for all your time and support”
— Client treated for anxiety
“I have stopped!! I have been a smoker since I was 14 years old and I’m now 54. I have tried so many times to quit and nothing ever worked until I had 3 sessions of hypnotherapy. I have been smoke and vape free for 6 weeks already and I am just thrilled with the outcome.
— Client treated to quit vaping
Find your Sparkle Session
Complimentary relaxation recording
Did you know that happiness is a talent that can be learned? Removing genetics and circumstances it is a scientific fact that 40% of our happiness is in our hands. Therefore we can take active steps to live a happier and fulfilling life. Relax and take 30 minutes out for yourself below…
Is it true that not everyone can be hypnotised?
Everyone has the ability to be hypnotised because it’s a natural, normal state that each of us enter at least twice each day – upon awakening and falling asleep. We also enter a hypnotic state whenever we get totally engrossed in a movie or TV show.
Can I get stuck in a trance forever?
No one has ever been stuck in a hypnotic trance. Hypnosis is a naturally occurring state that we enter and exit during the normal course of a day. If necessary, you can bring yourself out of the hypnotic state.
What is required of me?
You simply need to have a true desire for change. If that ingredient is present hypnotherapy be an effective way to help you achieve your goals.
When I am in a hypnotic trance will I be asleep or unconscious?
Because your eyes are often closed and physical movement is reduced, I totally understand why you might think that you will be asleep. When in a trance like state you are neither asleep or unconsciousness Your conscious mind is relaxed and your subconscious mind actually becomes more active.
What can hypnotherapy be used for?
Hypnotherapy can be used to ease or remove pain, overcome fears, phobias, addiction and other issues.
Can I have hypnotherapy even though there are COVID-19 movement restrictions?
You sure can! I am working with clients online (via Zoom) whilst we wait for the world to resemble some sort of normalness. It’s important that everyone feels comfortable and safe.
Can you make me do something I don’t want to do?
No. You are in control all of the time. As a therapist I am facilitating the change that you desire. I cannot "make" you do anything against your will. In fact, during a hypnotic session, you are completely aware of everything going on. So, if you do not like where I am guiding you, you have the power to reject the suggestion.
What will I feel when in hypnotic trance?
Everyone is different and will experience hypnotherapy in their own unique way.
You may feel like you are having a pleasurable daydream, with a heightened ability to visualise things and see vivid images.
Your body or parts of your body may feel so deeply relaxed you might feel heavy or light, feel coolness or warmth or a tingling sensation.
Sounds around you may become more prominent like the sound of my voice. Whilst other everyday noises like dogs barking and traffic may become less so.
Often, the perception of time is altered and on re-orientation you may feel that the session passed more quickly or more slowly than it actually was.
Do you provide hypnotherapy in groups
Yes, I do. Currently for wellbeing, confidence and Weight loss. They are currently held online. Have a look on the group events page for more information or call to make a private group booking.
Will you make me cluck like a chicken?
I get asked this a lot, stage hypnosis has something to answer for here! Simple answer is no. We will leave that for the stage shows.
What about if I reveal something I don’t want you to know?
You can lie under hypnosis just as easily as in the waking state. Actually, hypnosis gives you greater access to unconscious resources, so you may even be able to tell more creative lies when in trance. Ultimately, you are in complete control of what you chose to reveal or conceal.
How many sessions will I need?
This is always difficult to say as we are all different. So many things have shaped who we are today and what we believe, different people have crossed our paths and we all interpret the world in our own unique way. Depending on the situation and the treatment it could be as few as two sessions and as many as 20. Some clients like to have a little “top up” and have a healthy mind workout. Let’s discuss your situation at the time of booking.
Will I remember anything the hypnotherapist says?
As you know everyone’s experience will be different. For some it's a state in which you are focused on my words and listening more carefully. For others it's a little more like day dreaming and your attention may drift and wander from one thought to another. Either style is effective, it all comes down to a personal choice to the treatment. The key thing is to relax and your subconscious mind will do the listening.
How effective is hypnotherapy in comparison to other therapies?
A Comparison Study Shows…
- Psychoanalysis: 38% recovery after 600 sessions
- Behaviour Therapy: 72% recovery after 22 sessions
- Hypnotherapy 93% recovery after 6 sessions
Source: American Health Magazine