Skin Conditions
Eradicate your skin condition
Our skin serves many functions and gives a good picture of our overall health. But when our health either physically, psychologically or both is imbalanced, a host of skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, and itching can arise. These skin conditions can make us feel stressed and anxious which in turn, can make the skin condition worse.
Skin conditions can affect our self-esteem and confidence especially when visible on the face or other exposed parts of the body, and can sometimes cause a great deal of discomfort. The great news is, hypnotherapy can help to alleviate many skin conditions.
I can help by communicating directly with your subconscious mind (the part that controls many of the processes that influence the immune system, such as the involuntary functions of temperature regulation, respiration, metabolism, heart rate and blood flow etc.), therefore, through hypnosis we can begin to make changes on a deep level, enhancing immunity and balancing other necessary functions.
We will also explore emotions, as certain chemicals that get released when we are stressed can often affect the condition of our skin and make us feel out of control. I will help you begin to feel more in control, regain healthy skin once again and feel balanced inside and out.