Exams & Tests
Overcome your test nerves and anxiety!
Many of us will be able to recall how nerve-racking it can be to take a test. Weeks before the exam, we can experience the sensation of butterflies in our stomach. Our palms get sweaty, our hearts race and we fear our memory will let us down.
Feeling stressed and anxious before an exam is expected and feeling nervous is a natural emotion. Lots of people will find these feelings a motivator and a way to focus on the task, but some of us will find the pressure overwhelming. When these feelings become intense, they can threaten performance.
Hypnotherapy is an effective method in helping you control exam nerves as it can help boost confidence and reduce feelings of anxiety. It can help you to develop the ability to create a calm state of mind and confidently cope with a potentially overwhelming situation.
I will help you clear your mind of racing thoughts and guide you to become more calm and focused. Hypnotherapy can help you to recall any learned information more easily, as well as help restore your self-belief.