Regain control and overcome your OCD!
Obsessive Compulsive
Disorder (OCD)
Regain control and overcome your OCD!
OCD is a serious anxiety related condition consisting of an ‘obsession’ and a ‘compulsion’. It can be one of the hardest behavioural stress reactions to understand, particularly to those that don’t suffer from it. A person with OCD is continually plagued by persistent ideas or intrusive thoughts which are often catastrophic, even though they know that they are totally irrational.
OCD can consume a sufferer’s thoughts where in order to cope with OCD, a sufferer will often go through ritualistic actions that they feel compelled to do. Which can be anything from washing their hands every time they have touched something, to continually checking the oven has been turned off or door has been locked.
Hypnotherapy has been an effective method to treat people with this condition. I will help you address your underlying cause in order to bring about positive changes so that you can start regaining control over your life.