Fears & Phobias
Overcome fears and phobias that are holding you back!
Fears & Phobias
Overcome fears and phobias that are holding you back!
We often interchange the words fear and phobia as one of the same although there is a difference. Fear is a natural and healthy response to danger which we are all born with. A phobia is more intense than a fear – phobias can lead to severe anxiety and panic attacks and tend to develop when someone has an exaggerated fear surrounding a certain situation or object. If this situation or object is present in our everyday life the phobia can really restrict us, hold us back from doing what we want and cause a lot of distress.
Common phobias include: insects and animals, fear of needles, heights, flying and public speaking. I have treated more obscure phobias too! Recently I successfully helped a client overcome her fear of broken biscuits.
Many of our phobias exist in our subconscious and are a learned response. That’s why hypnotherapy is a really effective treatment. I will communicate with your subconscious and change the way you feel and behave towards your phobia. Making a positive and significant change in a relatively short period of time.